Cap de tăiere, standard, BSPT, 2.1/2 - 3"

In connection with a SUPERTRONIC 3-4 SE threading machine, the threading head and the optional threading dies can be used to create a pipe thread according to BSPT right, according to EN 10226 or NPT thread, according to ASME B1.20.1 on steel pipes of the EN 10255 M-H standard. The thread cutting range is from R 2" to R 3".

Alegeți varianta:Cap de tăiere, standard, BSPT, 2.1/2 - 3"
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Cap de tăiere, standard, BSPT, 2.1/2 - 3"


Gewindeschneidkopf, BSPT R, 2-3", NPT 2.1/2-3"

Cap de tăiere, standard, BSPT R, 1/4 - 3/8"


Gewindeschneidkopf, BSPT R, 1/4-3/8"

Cap de tăiere, standard, BSPT R/NPT, 1/2-2"


Gewindeschneidkopf, BSPT R, NPT, 1/2-2"

Cap de șlefuit cu filet staționar, standard, NPT, 1/4-3/8"


Gewindeschneidkopf, NPT, 1/4-3/8"